A Home Study Course on Tape by the Council of Seven Channeled by Antera, facilitated by Omaran. Recorded live.
The Council of Seven is a group of loving Beings of Light whose purpose is to help as many people as they can to become masters as quickly as possible. They are Master Teachers. The tools and processes presented on these CDs are for people who are well advanced along their path of spiritual evolution and ready to take another large step forward. The Council transmits transformative, high frequencies of light and love throughout each journey to stimulate the release of beliefs, patterns, and blockages that are not compatible with the Higher Presence or Soul of the listener, and to raise the vibratory rate of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. There are two CD volumes, each containing 6 CDs and 12 meditations.
Volume I Meditations | Volume II Meditations
Volume I, $75
Volume II, $75
Copyright Antera 2003